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1: {{velocity}} 2: ##================ 3: ## Find which tab to display 4: ##================ 5: #if("$!{view}" == '') 6: #set($view = $request.getParameter('view')) 7: #if("$!{view}" == '') 8: #set ($view = 'index') 9: #end 10: #end 11: ##======== 12: ## Set Tab Data 13: ##======== 14: #set($tabs = []) 15: #macro(addAllDocsTab $tab) 16: #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('view', "$!xcontext.user", $tab.get('document'))) 17: #set($discard = $tabs.add($tab)) 18: #end 19: #end 20: #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'index', 'idSuffix' : 'index', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index', 'document' : 'XWiki.Tableview'}) 21: #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'tree', 'idSuffix' : 'treeview', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.tree', 'document' : 'XWiki.Treeview'}) 22: #if ($services.parentchild.isParentChildMechanismEnabled()) 23: #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'orphans', 'idSuffix' : 'orphansview', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.orphaned', 'document' : 'XWiki.OrphanedPages'}) 24: #end 25: #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'attachments', 'idSuffix' : 'attachments', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.attachments', 'document' : 'XWiki.AllAttachments'}) 26: #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'deletedDocs', 'idSuffix' : 'deletedDocs', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.documentsTrash', 'document' : 'XWiki.DeletedDocuments'}) 27: #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'deletedAttachments', 'idSuffix' : 'deletedAttachments', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.attachmentsTrash', 'document' : 'XWiki.DeletedAttachments'}) 28: ##============================================= 29: ## Add External Links tab if the LinkChecker module is present. 30: ## TODO: In the future replace this hardcoded link with Interface Extensions 31: ##============================================= 32: #if($services.rendering.defaultTransformationNames.contains('linkchecker') && $services.linkchecker) 33: #set ($dummy = $tabs.add({'tabName' : 'externalLinks', 'idSuffix' : 'externalLinks', 'translationKey' : 'platform.linkchecker.indexTab', 'document' : 'XWiki.ExternalLinks'})) 34: #end 35: ##=========== 36: ## Display the Tabs 37: ##=========== 38: {{html}} 39: <div class="floatcontainer"> 40: <ul class="xwikitabbar"> 41: #foreach ($tab in $tabs) 42: <li id="xwiki$tab['idSuffix']"#if($view == $tab['tabName']) class="active"#end><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "view=$tab['tabName']&$!param")">$services.localization.render($tab['translationKey'])</a></li> 43: #end 44: </ul> 45: </div> 46: {{/html}} 47: 48: ##========================== 49: ## Include the Tab data for the selected Tab 50: ##========================== 51: {{html wiki="true"}} 52: <div class='xwikitabpanescontainer'> 53: #foreach ($tab in $tabs) 54: #if ($tab['tabName'] == $view) 55: {{include reference="$tab['document']"/}} 56: #break 57: #end 58: #end 59: </div> 60: {{/html}} 61: #set($docextras=[]) 62: {{/velocity}}